
Congratulations you have now completed your investigation into bushfires and their effect on the people and communities in which they occur.  Now it's time to look back and reflect on all the work and achievements of the past term. Individually write a personal reflection in your Integrated Studies Book of approximately half a page including the things you have learnt, what you found most valuable and what you may do differently next time. Also describe your effectiveness as a team member and the different experiences working in your team compared to working alone.

Over the course of this i-Quest you have hopefully gained an insight into the impact of bushfire on your community. You will have also gained knowledge about environmental processes and the impact of natural disasters on the flora and fauna of a region. Lastly, you will hopefully have developed a deeper understanding of the value of commemoration and memorials within your community. 

Well done! You have made it to the end! Hopefully you have learnt some valuable and interesting facts about bushfires and your community. See you later - Captain Koala.

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