Designing a scaled plan

For the rich task you will be designing your own school yard. For your presentation you will need to able to create your own scaled plan of your design. The tasks below are to remind you of how draw a plan and to ensure it is the correct scale. 

Converting measurements In the example below, we see how to work out "real life" measurements from a plan.

 On the left is the plan for a room. The scale for this plan is 1 : 200.

This means that 1 cm on the plan represents 200 cm (or 2 m) in real life.

To work out the dimensions of the room in real life, we need to measure the room on the plan:

 The room measures 3 cm long by 2 cm wide.

Because the scale is 1 : 200, the real life measurements will be 200 times larger.

The length of the room in real life must therefore be 3 cm × 200 = 600 cm or 6 m.

The width of the room in real life must be 2 cm × 200 = 400 cm or 4 m

Perimeters and Areas

When working out perimeters and areas, it is best to convert to the "real life" measurements first, and then do the calculations.

In the plan above, we worked out that the "real life" dimensions of the room were 6 m by 4 m. 

The perimeter of this room must be 6 m + 4 m + 6 m + 4 m = 20 m.

The area of this room must be 6 m × 4 m = 24 m².

Task: Map Challenge

To the left is the plan of a community hall. The scale of the plan is 

1 : 100. Use the plan to answer the questions below.

NOTE: You cannot measure accurately from the computer screen, so you need to remember that  2 small squares on the plan is 1 cm.  

  • How long is the kitchen in real life?
  • What are the dimensions of the main hall in real life?
  • What is the length of the kitchen window in real life?
  • What is the perimeter of the main hall in real life?
  • What is the area of the gents toilet in real life?

Click here for the answers. 

Now that you know how to draw a scaled plan click on Captain Koala. He will take you to a page that explains how to draw images on a plan in birds eye view.

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