Flora and Fauna

First of all what is Flora and Fauna?

Flora is the plant life of a particular region or habitat, whilst Fauna is the animals of a particular region or habitat.

Click here for more information on flora and fauna.

You will also be hearing a lot about NATIVE flora and fauna. When something is native it means that it originated from that area or region and has not been introduced. So native flora and fauna is an animal or plant that originated in a particular place or region. For example koalas, kangaroos and Eucalyptus trees are all native and originated in Australia whilst sheep, palm trees and cows are all introduced species which are not native.

So now you know what they are, have you ever wondered what happens to them in a bushfire?

Let's find out! 

In your groups work through the following pages to help you discover more.

Let's get started on discovering more about the flora and fauna native to Kinglake, click on Captain Koala to progress to the next step!


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