The Kinglake Community

A primary school is an important part of any community.  Parents send their children to schools to be educated, teachers, principals, and support staff are employed by the school, and schools are often a meeting place for community events.  Your design task for the school yard will need to be one that represents the community of Kinglake.  A successful design will take into consideration the culture, needs, and values of Kinglake.

Not sure what cultureneeds, and values are? Click on the picture below for more information about each term. 




You will now have to determine what the culture, needs, and values of Kinglake are.  To do this, you will need to complete the KWL chart from the yellow panel.  Download the chart and by yourself, fill in the "What I know" section with your thoughts about what the community of Kinglake is all about.

To complete the "What I Want to Know" column, you will have to come up with questions that you have about what it means to live in Kinglake.

You can leave the "What I Learned" section blank for now - you'll have to complete that at the end of this section.

KWL - Community.pdf KWL - Community.pdf
Size : 38.117 Kb
Type : pdf
When you're finished with the first two columns of the KWL Chart, follow Captain Koala to find out more about Kinglake!


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