Investigating Black Saturday  

        You will be writing your own newspaper article.

In pairs you will research the events of the Black Saturday bush fires and write a newspaper article to publish your findings.

     Your article needs to include the following:

  • A catchy headline to engage the reader.
  • An interview with a fire fighter and local resident about their experiences.
  • Include details about how the fire began and why it spread.
  • The effects on the local population including: homes; local infrastructure (services such as schools and shops); animals and plant life.

Below is the success criteria for your newspaper task. For each section colour the box green, orange or red to show how you feel you have achieved the goal. 


Newspaper Article success Criteria.docx Newspaper Article success Criteria.docx
Size : 124.089 Kb
Type : docx

 Now that you have been introduced to your newspaper task click on Captain Koala.  He will take you to the page which will explain how to research Black Saturday. 

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