Design Time! 

Now that you've learned the skills necessary to design the new playground, it's time to get to work!

Have another look at the contest entry:


You will be creating a plan of your proposed design of the new school yard.  This design will be presented to your fellow classmates and the school council.  The winning entry will see their plan realised and constructed in time for next school year. You can click here to go back to read the front page of the school newspaper that you read at the beginning of this Iquest.

Plan Requirements:

1) To be completed as a scale drawing on the proforma provided (Download Grid Template below)

2) Must incorporate the following elements:

- appropriate flora should be planted

- consideration for attracting native fauna

- fire prevention strategies

- a reflection of the communities wants and values

-a memorial/monument commemorating Black Saturday

-functionality as a school yard and playground that works for students

3) Included in your plan should be a one paragraph justification for each of the categories.  These are there so the school council can make signs to incorporate into the  yard of the winning design.  They will explain and justify why you have chosen to design elements of the yard in the way you have.

4) You will present your design to your classmates for consideration. The plans that are most highly regarded will be presented to school council.

- this presentation should be no longer than 10/15 minutes in length, should include an A3-sized grid drawing of your plan, a model of the memorial you have created, and justify your choices in design and how you met all the requirements.

5) You can download the rubric's used to evaluate your plan below.  The Rubric document is what your plan will be marked on, the Student Council Assessment Form rubric is what Student Council will use to evaluate your presentation.


Grid Template.pdf Grid Template.pdf
Size : 563.709 Kb
Type : pdf
School Yard Design Rubric.docx School Yard Design Rubric.docx
Size : 18.047 Kb
Type : docx
Student Council Assessment Form.docx Student Council Assessment Form.docx
Size : 16.933 Kb
Type : docx
When you've finished your plan, follow Captain Koala to go to the final step of your journey!


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