Information About Kinglake

Below are some resources you can explore to help you collect more information about the community of Kinglake and region of Murrindindi.  You'll need to look through these resources and take notes in your integrated studies notebook about facts and ideas that you think are important to the community, and to influencing your future school yard design.

Map of Kinglake, Victoria

You can use this interactive map to explore Kinglake, the surrounding region, and the rest of Victoria

Click on a logo below to access the resource 

Wikipedia  - 

Kinglake, Victoria 


The Sydney Morning Herald - 

Kinglake, Victoria 

Murrindindi Shire Council -

Visitor Information 

Parks Victoria -

Kinglake National Park 

Park Web -

Kinglake National Park 

Visit Victoria -

Kinglake National Park 

If you've gotten enough facts about Kinglake together, click on Captain Koala to learn how we're going to dive a little deeper into what Kinglake is really all about!


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