Community Values

It's now time to get a more complete picture of what the community of Kinglake means to its residents.  Through your work on the "What I Know" and "What I Want to Know" columns of the KWL Chart, you should be getting an idea of what the Kinglake community means to you.  That's good for a start, but in order to get a better idea of how to represent the community when you're designing the school yard, you're going to have to dig a little deeper.

In order to understand what the Kinglake community means to its members, you're going to need to go out and ask them yourself!

You're going to do this by developing a "Community Values Interview" with your design group.

You will use the information and questions from your KWL chart, as well as  the notes you took from the resources about Kinglake, to develop a questionnaire. You will then each interview 3 members of the community and record and analyse their responses.  

Click here for further reading on the purposes of a community survey.

The Task

Your first step will be to brainstorm in your integrated sudies notebook what you think, and what community members might think, are the most important and unique elements about Kinglake.

Secondly, you will come up with questions that you can ask your interviewees 


*Remember* - these questions should be aimed at getting an understanding of things like: what it means to be a community member of Kinglake, what the interviewee thinks the new schoolyard should represent, how the tragic events of Black Saturday affected them, and how they would like to see that day commemorated.  This interview will help prepare you to design an appropriate monument and school yard.

After completing your interviews, you'll need to arrange a team meeting to discuss the results

Now that you've spoken to some people in your community and are ready to meet with your team, you'll probably have some deeper insight into what it means to be a member of the Kinglake communty.  Click on Captain Koala to see how we're going to put that knowledge to work!


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