Understanding Kinglake 

With your group, you will need to have a discussion about the results of your interviews. It's time to ask the important questions that will guide your thinking for the next parts of the quest. 

Some questions you may want to discuss are:

What were the most important issues to the people we interviewed?

What does it mean to be a member of Kinglake?

How does Kinglake want to remember Black Saturday?

How can we celebrate our community?

The better questions that are asked now, the more focused you will be for the design challenges ahead.

Once you have finished your discussion, go back to the KWL Chart to finish the final column: "What I have Learned".  Here, you should write about things you have learned by analysing and evaluating your interviews and the discussions that followed. 

Finally, download the Community Values proforma from the yellow box and complete a paragraph that summarises the values of Kinglake and how the community wants to represent those values.

Community Values.pdf Community Values.pdf
Size : 60.169 Kb
Type : pdf
Through talking with members of the community, you should have a good understanding of what Kinglake's values are, and how those values can be celebrated.  Follow Captain Koala to the next section of this quest where you will put those ideas into action!


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