Treasure Map Challenge

You are going to create your own scaled plan of a treasure island!!! 

Task instructions

You now need to download your blank map and draw these birds eye view pictures on it to the scales listed below:

A straw house 3m long by 3m wide.

Palms trees that cover 2m by 2m

A treasure chest which is 1m long by 1m wide.

A lake which is 5m by 1m.

A bonfire which is 1m by 1m.

Please note, on your treasure map 1 square is 1 metre. 

Click here for your blank treasure map. 

Blank Treasure Map.doc Blank Treasure Map.doc
Size : 56 Kb
Type : doc

Click below for your Treasure Map Challenge success criteria.

For each section colour the box green, orange or red to show how you feel you have achieved the goal. 


Treasure Map success Criteria.docx Treasure Map success Criteria.docx
Size : 230.162 Kb
Type : docx

Now you have drawn your treasure map click on Captain Kola.  He will take you to the page about the effects of the Black Saturday bush fires on flora and fauna. 

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